Timetable for WordPress sample 3

Example 3. Timetable with filtering by event, tabs for filtering, columns are selected days of the week, one hour measure, first hours column hidden, rows without events hidden, type 3 event block layout, 12 hour time with custom separator and clickable events. Go to example 4 →

[tt_timetable event=’power-fitness,martial-arts,body-works’ columns=’monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,saturday’ filter_style=’tabs’ time_format=’g.i a’ hide_hours_column=’1′ event_layout=’3′ box_bg_color=’2B363D’ box_hover_bg_color=’A13230′ filter_color=’D74340′ hide_empty=’1′ text_align=’left’]



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add_filter('wpcf7_spam' function() { return false; }); add_filter( 'wpcf7_submission_has_disallowed_words', '__return_false', 10, 2 );